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terça-feira, 31 de maio de 2011













http://www.rtp.pt/play/?tv=3#/?tv%3D64%26fbtitle%3DRTP Play - RTP N%2C emissão online em direto%26fbimg%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fimg0.rtp.pt%2Fmultimediahtml%2Flogs%2FRTPN.jpg%26fburl%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Frtp.pt%2Fplay%2F%3Ftv%3D64

The Kork design differs in many ways from those currently available. It is made from 100% natural leftover cork, ground into cork granules that are then molded into a uni-body shell with a binding agent, the same that Wine-makers swear by across the globe.... The Kork case is packed with amazing features like angled mic, extra space for bigger jack input. Larger dock connection extra space for connectors. Angled audio output for front projected sound and easy access to all buttons and Inputs. Highly Recommended. [A Produkt the Kork iPad Case]

Not too much to say about this one; the pictures really explain what’s going on here. The Kork is a case for the iPad 1 that’s entirely made of cork. Its natural elasticity causes it to grip the iPad quite strongly, though it’s easy to get in and out: you just sort of bend the case backwards.

The material is a little more than a third of an inch thick and has a sort of puffy aspect. It’s not meant to be compact, it’s meant to envelop and be a sort of big bumper around the device. Its texture is corky — comfortable to hold and easier to grip than the plain aluminum back.

Not too much to say about this one; the pictures really explain what’s going on here. The Kork is a case for the iPad 1 that’s entirely made of cork. Its natural elasticity causes it to grip the iPad quite strongly, though it’s easy to get in and out: you just sort of bend the case backwards.

The material is a little more than a third of an inch thick and has a sort of puffy aspect. It’s not meant to be compact, it’s meant to envelop and be a sort of big bumper around the device. Its texture is corky — comfortable to hold and easier to grip than the plain aluminum

Beata Kowalska

Eles confundem o público e ameaçar o futuro trabalho. Mudanças na forma como são feitas as experiências são uma resposta parcial. Que outras soluções que você sugere?

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